(abort "This script cannot be run in the Novice mode.")
(if (> (getversion (resident)) (* 37 65536))
(prompt "Copying mount receipt")
(source "Storage/DOSDrivers")
(dest "Sys:Storage/DOSDrivers")
"This will copy the device definition also containing configuration to a directory. "
"If you copy it to the SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers directory, it will not be mounted automatically "
"and you will have to use the \"mount PC\" command to run it.\nPlacing in the DEVS:DOSDrivers "
"dir will mount it automatically after every startup. However, it is a good idea to not allow "
"automatic loading of handler (by adding the \"ACTIVATE = 0\" toooltype) and setting the "
"\"Activate\" entry in the file to 0. It can be also done by configuration program."
(prompt "Program is to insert some lines at the beginning of your DEVS:Mountlist. If you have already installed PC2Am, remove the old specification after installing.")
(dest "t:Tmp")
(include "Devs/PCEntry")
(include "Devs:Mountlist")
(help "You have system V 2.0, that does not allow use of separate device definitions, so it is necessary to modify the DEVS:Mountlist file.")
(source "T:Tmp")
(dest "Devs:Mountlist")
(delete "T:Tmp")
(prompt "Copying igs.library")
(source "libs/igs.library")
(dest "libs:")
(help "\"igs.library\" is my own GUI support library, that is used by PC2Amiga commodity. It must be installed.")
(prompt "Copying PC2AmParallel.device")
(source "Devs/PC2AmParallel.device")
(dest "devs:")
(help "\"PC2AmParallel.device\" is used for parallel transfer with PC2Amiga. You don't need it when you will use just transfer via serial port.")
(prompt "Copying the handler.")
(source "L/pc2am-handler")
(dest "l:")
(help "The filesystem. Must be installed.")
(prompt "Copying doc.")
(source "Docs")
(dest "HELP:")
(help "PC2Am.guide is standart doc. Please read it.\nPC2AmProblems.guide is a hypertext system that tries to determine why you have problems with PC2Amiga. If all works OK, you don't need it.")
(prompt "Copying configuration script.")
(source "ConfigPC2Amiga")
(dest "C:")
(help "This is an Installer script for configuring Amiga side of PC2Amiga.")
(prompt "Copying utility commands.")
(source "C")
(dest "C:")
(help "Both files are used by an Amiga side configuration script.")
(run "Installer ConfigPC2Amiga"
(prompt "Do you want to run configuration script ?\n(Installer must be in the path)")
"If you confirm this requester, the configuration script will be run and "
"you will be able to setup PC2Amiga by an easy way."
"Instalation of Amiga part done. Now you have to transfer all files in the 'PutToPC' directory to your PC. This is described in the Instalation part of PC2Am.guide."